Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Why I'm taking this class

The main reason I'm taking this class is that I'm planning to go into the cannabis industry after graduation.  Prop 64 seems to model the future of cannabis regulation in California on alcohol regulation, so it seemed pretty relevant to learn about the wine industry.  I expect to find many other analogs along the way.

Of course, cultivating a bit of sophistication on the wine front is a major bonus.


  1. Good point. The laws create a unique and interesting regulatory test model for the budding cannabis industry.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hadn't considered this rationale, but this will definitely help me to look at some of these cases through a new lens.

    I also saw some wine advertised to go with blue cheese recently. Now I'm questioning whether they meant the herbal variety.
